Holixer™ Holy Basil Leaf Extract: Balancing Both Body & Mind

Holixer™ Holy Basil Leaf Extract: Balancing Both Body & Mind
Discover Holixer™ Holy Basil, an ancient herb offering modern solace for the stressed mind.

What it is: Holy Basil, or Tulsi, is revered in Ayurveda for its ability to bring balance to both body and mind. Holixer™ offers a potent extract of this incredible herb, ensuring you get its full benefits for mental and emotional well-being.

How it works: This adaptogenic herb is your peace negotiator. It aids in reducing stress levels and instilling a feeling of calm, allowing you to approach challenges with clarity and tranquility.

Why we like it: In our quest for genuine relaxation and mental equilibrium, we found Holixer™ Holy Basil Leaf Extract to be the perfect addition. Its legacy in traditional medicine, combined with contemporary evidence of its efficacy, aligns with Stay Well's commitment to real results. Together with our blend of ingredients, Holy Basil ensures you remain centered amidst life's turbulence.

There are 1,000+ published papers looking into how Holy Basil Leaf Extract works. Take a dive into the research to see what the science says. Below are three papers to get you started.

Evaluation of ethanol leaf extract of Ocimum sanctum in experimental models of anxiety and depression (2011)

Efficacy of Ocimum sanctum for relieving stress: a preclinical study (2012)

Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum Linn.) leaf extract enhances specific cognitive parameters in healthy adult volunteers: A placebo controlled study. (2015)